The Power in a Small No

I’m really mad at my dad today.
Six years ago I lost forty-five pounds. And I didn’t just lose the weight, I was enjoying a healthy eating lifestyle, only indulging in treats occasionally, and working out regularly.
I kept this up for years until dad got sick. Then he started guilting me into eating whoppers and pie with him.
The audacity. He used the “I’m dying” card well trust me. 😉
The day before he died, he motioned me over to him and I thought he was going to tell me something monumental and like how much he loved me.
Instead he whispered, “Holly your butt is getting big.”
Wasn’t he precious.
So today I woke up and tried on some pants which are still too tight and despising that I love food, obsess over food and dream about food.
And I really need the Lord to help me get to and stay in a healthy place. It’s not that I’ve gained tons of weight back, but it’s my mind-set that I need to get back to.
Wondering if any of you out there are feeling defeated over an issue that you just can’t seem to combat.
I will tell you, I am proud of myself for telling myself no this last week when some kids came in the classroom and offered us some of their birthday cupcakes and cookies.
As he held out the tray of chocolate cupcakes with luscious, swirled, blue frosting, I went to grab for one, then I paused for a sec, and said, “no I don’t think I will, but thank you.”
After the boys walked away my flesh was dying for the cupcake, but after a couple of minutes I was so glad I had said no.
I’m realizing any kind of lasting change really starts with one small decision at a time.
Whatever you and I are struggling with today, maybe our prayer needs to change. Maybe instead of asking God to help us with this “big thing” we need to overcome, instead let’s ask Him to help us start with one small no today.
What I’m finding is when we learn to say no, the decision may seem small, but the empowerment that comes with it is huge.

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1 comment on “The Power in a Small No

  1. You are SO RIGHT! At my new job this last week they had donuts and cake (the bane of every office) and I did grab a donut, but I had two bites and threw the rest away. I was proud of myself for having just a taste and not going hog wild. I said no to the cake the next day, but wow th flesh is so strong! I literally had to not go near the room that the cake was in and even then it called out to me. People who don’t have a problem with food do not get it. It’s everywhere, all the stuff that will kill ya,.

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