Is Christ Knocking On the Door of Your Heart?

There are times I do not want to give God access to all the areas of my heart. It’s just the truth of the matter. It stems from the fear that He will make me do things I simply don’t want to do. Like, give Him the parts of my heart which are reserved for […]

A Patient of Christ’s or A Performer Playing Church?

I told Jesus when I was diagnosed with depression that I would never share my illness with anyone. Nope, nada, it was not gonna happen. That whole, “God can use it for good”, you can sign someone else up for that. As I laid in bed and cried my eyes out for weeks and grieved […]

How A Red Door Christmas Can Change Everything

When I painted my door red last year at first I had no clue it carried any meaning. I was just trying to add some color and pizzazz to my older home and I knew it would look great at Christmas. Out of curiosity I looked into it and I found one of the meanings. […]